Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Arrival in Fairmont tomorrow

Still scheduled to hit Prickett's Fort at 5pm. Join me there for a ride or meet up at the 3rd street bridge.

Look below.

Billy Jones (owner of the Derby) just called me ... He is going to donate 50 cents a bottle for every beer sold on Thursday Night to Cancer Research .... Everyone get their DD and come out to support this event. Thanks Billy ...Very gracious donation, but please drink responsibly.

We have raised over $3300 dollars so far

Unbelievable. Thanks!!!!!!!!!

Day 7 ends in Paw Paw WV with no cell service

Today was a great day at the beginning and a very, very tough day at the end. From Williamsport, MD I rode the rail trail all the way into Hancock. BEAUTIFUL and it went fast.

Sad to see Hancock as I remember it as a nice downtown but all the stores are out of business. Couldn't find a family diner and was forced to eat a breakfast at a Hardees.

From there the road I departed the C&O canal because of the advise I had received from a local bike shop. With the weight I'm carrying and the size of my tires it was not advisable to continue. This meant back to the roads. I climbed out of the Potomac river valley to Berkely Springs, WV and from there on route 9 to Paw Paw. CLIMBED FOREVER ON ROUTE 9.

Very tired when I got to Paw then there was no cell service!! Good thing I had a calling card and I called home to let them know I was in.

Had a pizza for dinner with ice cream!
